Saturday, January 2, 2010

Finally the beach!

We have been trying to get to the beach this holiday break but every morning at least one of us had a cough. We finally made it yesterday. The kids and I got up and went to the beach and left Dad home to sleep. He had a looong day on the 31st and we thought we would leave him a quite house to catch up on some sleep.

Kailee's first trip to the beach!

Breana and T.J. attempting to stand on their body boards.

Breana walking up with her flippers still on. Some of the clutzy goofy things she does reminds me of someone... Who is it? Oh wait, it's me!

T.J. working on his baywatch moves.

Thank you Eric for the awesome beach tent that lets Kailee snooze while the kids enjoy the beach.


Scott and Manda said...

FUN!!! Scott & I are pouting cuz one year ago this week we were at that very beach!!!! lol
I love those kids!!! And that tent is genius!

Jamie said...

MEgs, just caught up on the archives--James and I just about "aaawwwww"ed ourselves to death. The kids are so cute! Love the beach pix--your new header is so great--pure joy! HAppy new year, amiga. Hope you're feeling 100% and getting some sleep! We just got a foot of soggy snow over night, so we'll be dreaming HAwaiian dreams tonight!

Jess said...

You make such pretty babies! I am really green eyed envying your beach going, lack of snow, above 30 degrees self right now.